Un uomo deve essere forte

a feauture creative documentary film by Elsi Perino | Ilaria Ciavattini


In the outskirts of a province of the north of Italy, full of guns factories, hunting grounds and lakes for fishing, Jack starts the transition in order to let his body be what he has always felt to be: a man. Through a routine made of part-time jobs, bar friends and no hobbies, Jack starts asking himself about what being a man means, beside the body characteristics, and what kind of a man he should be, wondering about what kind of masculine models are offered by his valley.

The documentary is ongoing since November 2015, when he started his change: testosterone assumption, legal iter for personal data and sexual characteristics adjustment. The documentary has filmed the whole changes; we met his family, his mother, his brother and the shadow of many missing people; his old-times friends and his colleagues changing when every part-time job changes: Jack used to be a house painter, then a fast-food manager and now he is a warehouse worker in a homeware shop. The camera followed him silently during his daily life, recording the repetitiveness of the province, which gives meaning to the change he is facing, far from the city. We realized that it is possible to make peace with your own skin, it is possible to find solace in your family and you can live peacefully even in a province very poor in cultural and social stimulus. We realized that the path towards the question – who am I? – joins the complexity of each person, despite each possible answer. Therefore we chose to let Jack speaks, well aware that the movement towards a resolution is the same for everyone.

This documentary aims to find a way to talk about transsexual people in order to show the wellness and the awareness of who learned how to question himself better than any cisgender person does. On September 2017 Brescia Court has verified the legal grounds for the adjustment of Jack’s personal data and sexual characteristics: Jack is a man for everyone, now he is a man even for the Italian State.






ITALY | 62 MIN. | 2019

Produced by Elsi Perino | Ilaria Ciavattini | Malfé Film

with the support of

Film Commission Torino Piemonte

Comune di Gardone Valtrompia





POST PRODUCTION: Malfé Film | Caravan Film

EDITING: Enrico Giovannone

EDITING ASSISTANTS: Pietro Ciavattini | Morena Terranova

COLOR GRADING: Luca Vigliani | Enrico Giovannone

COMPOSER: Gianluca Bartolo

MIX: Niccolò Bosio

Graphic Designer: Michele Santomarco


Le autrici

Ilaria Ciavattini

Born in 1988, she attended a two-years Master in Storytelling at the Scuola Holden in Turin, where she graduated in 2009. She writes short films, booktrailers and music videos. In 2009 she directed the music video Ho Visto Cose che… by Yo Yo Mundi (from Album Rosso, produced by Il Manifesto). In 2010 she directed Fortino Lato Est, which received a special mention at European Short Pitch 2010. She wrote and co-directed the short film Ninna Nanna Ninna No, an episode of “La Ballata dei Precari”, produced by 01Cinema.net screened at Teatro Valle Occupato in Rome in 2012. She is currently an Italian assistant professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies – Seoul, in the Department of Italian Translation and Interpretation. She lives between Italy and South Korea.

Elsi Perino

Born in Turin in 1984, she graduated in a two-years Master in Storytelling at the Scuola Holden in Turin in 2009. She started working at Ufficio Pastorale Migranti as storyteller for people asking for political asylum; in the meanwhile, she contributed to write the contents of the book La frontiera addosso by Luca Rastello, Laterza publishing, regarding European and Italian immigration policies. Since 2010 she started working on movie sets as script supervisor and continuity for movies, documentaries and advertisements for Rai, Mediaset and Walt Disney Italia. In 2013 she wrote the graphic novel Negli occhi il cinema nelle mani l’amore. Since February 2017 she works as movie selector for Lovers Intenational Film Festival – the Turin movie festival that focuses on Lgbt topics.



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